Help fight hunger in the Greater Waterbury area!

St.George's Episcopal Church

Copyright St.George's Episcopal Church. All Rights Reserved.



  • Collecting Mens sneakers for the area shelters. We are looking for new sneakers!
  • Collection Drive for Blessing Bags! Bumble Bee Snacks on the Run w/spoon, bottled water, Ladies' personal pads, even rain ponchos. We are collecting what is brought in!
  • Grief Support program starting April 19 from 7-8PM at St. Paul's in Woodbury. Join this non-denominational Christian group for monthly meetings. The church is located at 294 Main Street South, Woodbury, CT. 
  • ​Thursdays @10:30 AM - Morning Prayer Group (meet in lounge area)


  • Children's Sunday School resumes through the Fall of 2024. If in need of nursery care, please call 203-217-4246 and speak to Barbara


  • Youth Sunday is back by popular demand! Pre-school and older are welcome to join us the first Sunday of every month. Regular Sunday school continues the rest of the month. 

We are Middlebury's Episcopal Church.

Our doors are open to all

The Gingerbread Village season is upon us again. 

​​Click here to donate online!

First Sunday of Lent

During this time, Christ prepared for his sacrifice. He wants

us to give real thought to the sacrifices we must make

to walk in his footsteps.

Through the son, we make our way 

to the Father. 



Sunday Adult Bible Study - 8:45-9:15 AM

Sunday Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 5th Grade & Under - 9:30 to 10:30 AM


CHECK OUT OUR Monthly Happenings!